
Friday the 13th!

What a black Friday! 
This Friday is really freaking me out!!
Do you all believe in Friday the 13th superstition?
Well I don't really believe,
but coincidently every Friday the 13th,
bad things will happen to me
or my surrounding people,
causing me to believe in this superstition.

All things didn't go well today.

Case #1
I lost my script around 10 mins right before my presentation,

Case #2
Got low marks for management assignment.

Case #3
Couldn't got it to car as it was downpour and I actually parked my car at 
outdoor parking.


Argh! Shall stop mentioning those thing already.
Makes me angry and upset!!

I've googled Friday the 13th and actually found out an interesting article:

An author which wrote "is Friday the 13th Bad for Your Health?" found out that c
onsistently fewer people chose to drive their cars on Friday the 13th,
the number of hospital admissions due to vehicular accidents were significantly higher than on the ordinary Fridays.

Their conclusion is that:
"Friday 13th is unlucky for some. The risk of hospital admission as a result
of a transport accident may be increased as much as 52 percent.
Staying at home is recommended."

It sounds kind of strange. Hmmm.
Sometimes there are always something that we cannot actually
explain using scientific facts.

Other than that, I've found some facts about Black Friday on internet:

1. There are three of Black Friday: Jan. 13, April 13 and July 13 in year 2012
 And the freaky fact is that the dates fall exactly 13 weeks apart. 
That hasn't happened since 1984.

2. The scientific terms for fear of Friday the 13th are 
paraskavedekatriaphobia (a.k.a friggatriskaidekaphobia)
 Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
3.Whatever the reason, fear of 13 has spread far and wide: Hotels and hospitals 
often skip the 13th floor, and even airports quietly omit gate 13 sometimes.

4. The next year in which we'll have three Friday the 13ths is 2015. 
They'll fall in February, March and November.

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L


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