
Top 5 Fashion No-Nos!!

Suddenly I have an itch to blog. hehehe.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri for my lovely muslim readers and happy holiday to my non-muslim readers!
Hohoho. Good for me, I have one week holiday break and I'm currently at my hometown /wahaha
It's great to be at home. 

Just bought this mask hours ago and gonna apply it later after a long stressful hectic work day. 
I lied, and in fact this is just an excuse. Haha I just tipu kerja (slacking). When the other staffs were busy doing their works, I was sitting right in front of computer surfing the net. Oopsy I wasn't supposed to tell other. Hmm,  let's keep this secret between us.. Shhh!! Don't tell my boss! /XD

Oh hey, babes, today's post is mainly about Fashion No-Nos!!
Fashion is a form of expression and it will actually reflect to other people of who you are.
 And of course, unlike what we learned in Physics, e=mc^2, there should be no rules to limit fashion.
But there's some No-Nos that we have to know in order to cause fashion disaster.
 I'm not saying that I'm fashionista or what, because obviously I AM NOT!
But I've seen so many people making these mistakes and I think I should share this out
so that more people would be aware and reduce the chances of making these mistakes.

Top 5 Fashion No-Nos!!
1. Wear shades or sunnies in indoor area. That is way so not cool!!

2. Match sandals with socks.

Match Birkenstock with stockings. Are you kidding me?!

3. Wear legging as pants.
When you wanna wear a legging as pants, please make that you are wearing a really long top or dress.

Olivia Wilde wearing leggings as pants, and this actually looks so wrong!!
So please don't do this.

4. Wear fishnet stockings.
Please don't wear this out unless you're a pole dancer, prostiture, b*tch or sl*t as well.

5. Expose too much by wearing low cut top and short bottom at the same time.
It is not sexy and classy at all. I was supposed to insert a photo as well but when I googled it, the result actually shows inappropriate photos and I really don't feel like inserting this kind of photo in my blog
which really destroy my blog layout :x

 Alright, so these are basically the top five fashion no-nos.
Please bear this in mind so that you will not ended up embarrassing yourself in the public.
That's all for today's post. Hope the content is useful and applicable/XD
Okay, time for applying face mask!! Skin condition getting worse recently.

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L



  1. Totally agree!
    Especially on the matching sandals with socks and wearing legging with a short top!

    1. hello Felicia! yea ^^ thanks for visiting my blog


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