
My Fashion and Beauty Inspiration

I used to be an extremely boyish girl in years back, okay honestly :X , it doesn’t change much now, haha but at least I have turned into “not-so-boyish” after I started to read fashion and beauty magazines as they are very inspiring! /XD

source: ponychan.net

            Who cares if Kate Moss wears skinny jeans or who the hell is Coco Chanel? I was really“macho”, and my sisters Michelle and Susan even called me Malak Lou (Cantoneseterm: Awful rude old uncle who likes to slack at small café and stare at youngladies). Okay, I’m not that terrible, they were just exaggerating. I am notMalak Lou, I just like to dangle my legs, that’s all, it’s really NO BIG DEAL!!

Reader A: “911 please!! Fashion police,this is a big emergency, some
        people please come and arrest Lizzie the leg dangler!”

            Thanks godmy sisters realized how severe my disease was (last stage) and they brought meto bookstores and bought a lot ten fashion and beauty magazines at once. Iremembered the first magazine that I read was Vivi Japanese Magazine and can’t believe that they started Malaysia Version recently.
I really adore those Japanese models, they looked perfect in every way. My favorite Vivi Model would be Lena. I was mesmerized by her andlike to read magazines ever since. /omg

 Magazine contents are extremely useful and beneficial which inspires me in my daily choices in fashion and beauty.
My favorite fashion style would be a Rebellious x Vintage.

            And withthe time (uh hm my age) changed, I started to change my favorite magazine toCleo, Seventeen and now Glamour. I am a little too old for Cleo and Seventeennow but a little confession to make, sometimes I do buy Cleo and Seventeenstill because they are so amazing, I don’t care what they said about age limit!! I have a big collection of magazines and left it at hometown, reluctant to throw them away but due to it gets really dusty and took up a lot of space, those magazines’ have either been throw away or recycled. RIP, magazines, youall served the owner well and it’s time for you to get to heaven.


Long winded me. In short, I think that every girl should have their own favorite fashion and
beauty magazine as it is really inspiring and fashionable.
Every girl deserves to be beautiful and trendy.

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L


  1. heyy friendlyfashion currently facing some problems and i couldn't contact u through there. i would like to have this: http://www.friendlyfashion.my/clothes/womens/tops-and-t-shirts/shirts/21702-trendy-tee

  2. hey! just stopping by to let you know that there is a great fashion blog!
    it is http://what-id-wear.tumblr.com/
    btw, tumblr is a good way to look up some photos! :D

    hope this help you! and i love your blog! :D

    1. Hello MaeJane! Thank u so much babe for ur info! noted ^^ Anyway thanks for reading my blog, it really means a lot to me! have a nice day babe!


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