
Friendly Fashion!

Hello my lovely readers,

Honestly, are you a shopaholic? /hmm 

Do you tend to buy too many clothes that you can’t even fit all in you wardrobe? Have a lot of clothes that don’t fit you anymore or you have get bored of wearing them? Wrong sizes? Or do you have a lot of dusty preloved items in your store room? 

If you do face these problems, here's a really awesome and useful solution for you!!
U're gonna love this!

Last two days, I was reading Marie Claire magazine (in the toilet) as usual /blush. Stupid habit hahhaha.
And then I spotted this

OKAY I bet that you can't read those words, basically it's about Nadzirah and Diyana, who are
both sister and business partners for now. These awesome sisters came across a great business opportunity when Friendly Fashion (online marketplave ownedby a company based in Lithunia) expressed an interest in expanding their business to Malaysia.
 (reference: Maria Claire Malaysia August 2012 issue)

They are so amazing /XD

Never heard of Friendly Fashion? I'm pretty sure that you might have a lot of question right now.

What is Friendlyfashion.my?
Friendly fashion is a social site that once you registered yourself members can sell, swap and even
give away their preloved items. Besides that, you can buy the other members preloved items
as well with great bargain.

Not only that, they also have forums as well to share your shopping experience or thoughts.

Friendlyfashion.my has won the online shop of the year in Digi WWWOW Awards 2012.

Ain't this site awesome?

It's not only for girls, but also for guys as well!! 

Now you can easily clear off your wardrobe and earn an extra income as well!
Or you can get so much great bargains!! /hmm

Besides that, if you have written my previous post and have voted for me,
thank you so much!!

I've got 77 votes for now within 3 days and I actually ranked as first now ^^

Thank you so much for all the votes!! Really appreciate that!!

Anyway it's only 6 votes vary between me and the blogger who got ranked as second. /omg
So to those who have not voted for me, please vote for me alright?? /please

Just follow these few easy steps:
1st step:
 click http://www.friendlyfashion.my/blog/contestant/60-life-like-this

2nd step:
Click on the orange hand and register using your fb account

3rd step:
When the hand turns grey, it indicates that you have done voting!!

Thank u so much for your votes


-Stay tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L



  1. too bad i can't vote dear, i'm from the Philippine. But you got a nice blog ;) have a great day, dear :)

    1. Thank u so much Christine babe! Appreciate it anyway ^^


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