
Blah Blah BLAHHH

Just realized that I've slowly turning into a beauty blogger instead of a lifestyle blogger,
well the biggest reason is that, I barely have my own social life anymore. 
I'm way too busy with my university quizzes, assignments, blog and Swaggy, and I don't really go out
at night now. I don't really hang out with friends much now. I've even cancelled an important makeover session. Ish, feel so bad about it, but I have just got no time for that, and speaking of entertainment, I just realized I've not watched movies since Chinese New Year. And yes, I haven't watched Iron Man 3 yet, okay stop giving me the despise stare, I'm gonna watch it soon -.-

I wish that I've some sort of magic, maybe suddenly black out, and *tadah* my assignments and quizzes are all completed.

So I've been rotting at home last few days doing my assignment, watch election
broadcast and so on. I know what you're thinking, but no, I'm not gonna rant here, I will never mention politics here, but anyway during the last few days, I've experienced something awful and thankfully I have awesome besties and great sister who helped me get through the hard time. 
With these people' accompany, I've fully recovered within 24 hours and now I'm totally fine with it,
and I've become a happier me! And surprisingly, my perspectives just changed suddenly,
and perhaps see things much clearer too!

End this post with my favourite Carly Rae Jepson's song! Enjoy!

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L



  1. i understand the part of busy with study, assignment, quizzes and cancelling some important things. I experience that too. I used to blog about what I experience daily but yeah, now my neck is chocked with university things and I only get the time to blog for certain things, esp beauty related.

    1. yea Mieza, totally!! I know exactly how you feel :( Anyway, i do believe that all the hard work will be paid off, so, all the best! ;)

  2. All the busy schedule will come to an end, you'll have your rest time soon. No worries :) Btw, just found out about swaggy! I'm changing to Note 2 soon. Can't wait to get new clothes for my phone.

    1. Thank you so much, Sally ;) great! hopefully you love Swaggy's cases :)


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