
Course starting *scream*

The arrival of March indicates my three months holiday has finally come to an end.
I'm starting my degree second year this coming Monday. And this is the first time ever, my gang and I ain't taking the same timetable, ish!! We knew that this might happen to us therefore we registered our subjects together last semester, but... we still get different timetable. So used to attend every classes with them.
Maybe it's just a time for me to be independent. *sobz*


20th Birthday Celebration Part 2

Holla readers! *wink*

As I've said earlier on, we have a lot to catch up so I'll blog more recently. hehe!
I would like to continue with my birthday celebration part 2! sorry for all the delays, been
procrastinating way too much recently. 

Well, after eating my brunch and watching Hansel and Gretel at Pyramid,
we proceed to my birthday celebration part two in Paradigm Mall.
We were supposed to eat Sushi Zanmai (my favorites!), but too bad it was fully booked so we ended up changing our venue to Spaghetti Grill. Ish! Next time must reserve few days in advanced :(
Many of them turned up such as Kam, Jason, Eric, Chris, Sam, Choong Yik and Shaun.
It's been months since the last time I saw them. It's really good to have this catch up session with them,
just like the old times :)

Feel so grateful to know them :) Don't want this friendship to end hahaha.
Thanks a lot for all the presents, birthday treats and so on! *bow*
Hopefully I still get to celebrate my future birthday with these bunch of awesome people.

Left my huge bunny aka Twinkle at KL coz I can't squeeze her into my regular size luggage bag.
Can't wait to see her in two weeks time!!

I guess that's all for today. Thanks for reading!

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L



Odd experience

Hello everyone!! 
So far I had a wonderful holiday, a great vacation with my family and my new semester is starting in less than two weeks time. *highly anticipating*

There are so many things for me to blog about, and I've been procrastinated for way too long.
Must force myself to update my blog much recently.  Just keep reading my blog and stay tuned to my upcoming posts on my birthday celebration part 2, Chinese New Year, Penang, Phuket and Krabi Star cruise trip *winkk*

As you can see from the title of the post, I'm gonna blog the oddest ever flight experience of mine
which just happened last two days ago. Those who have followed my Instagram or Twitter would have known this. hehe. 

This is how the thing goes. Yesterday, my family and I were at Penang International Airport
waiting for our Malaysia airline flight to abroad from Penang to KL, and then we're gonna take another flight back to Kuantan at 10.10pm. We were supposed to enter the airplane before 7.45pm but the flight has postponed and we ended up entering the gate at 8pm. Things get worse when there was some technical problem with the airplane and therefore we have to wait them to solve and we ended up taking a flight at 10.45pm. By the time we get to KL, we've missed our connection flight back to Kuantan. As a result, Malaysia Airline provided us free accommodation, which included free McDee for dinner and a night staying at Pullman Putrajaya Hotel.

It's a really beautiful hotel at Putrajaya but too bad we've only few hours to stay there,
since we've a morning flight the next day. This is how our room looks like.


There are so many beautiful places somemore, but too bad we don't have much time to fully explore.

Ended up we reached the hotel at 2.30am and they picked us up at 6.50am :(
So finally, my family and I are back to hometown.
Home sweet home *giggles*

That's all for today.

With Love,

Lizzie L



Part 1: 20th's birthday celebration!

^_^ my noob face 

I'm going to pretend like I've not been missing for the last weeks and continue to blog like usual hehe ;)

Too much things to blog about, so I'm going to start with my birthday post.
Can't remember the details clearly, but basically I took a few days 'babysitter' leave and sneak to KL
to celebrate with the buddies. 

'Thick face' me been asking the crazies to plan my birthday celebration since few weeks ago,
but they were so terrible that they said will celebrate at our university's cafeteria *punch*
Terrible friends, but luckily we still ended up celebrating at Sunway Pyramid :) *still acceptable*

Had our brunch at Bubba Gum.

Great environment. Overall their food is nice, worths a try especially for shrimp lovers, a bit pricey.
I'm not so into shrimps, so probably no next time I guess :)

Mona, Jennifer, Jason and Kam gave me this huge present.
So I carried this gift around and caught a lot of attention *awkward* hehehe
thanks guys! hehe it's a soft toy bunny and I've named her 'Twinkle'

So bad la this Mona, cover my face -.- I'm queen of the day okay? hahaha

Finally, group shot of the day.
They know that I love mille crepe and went all the way to buy mille crepe for me at Vanilla *hugs*
but we were too full and couldn't eat the cake at all, so we left the cake for the next celebration session.

Then, we went to watch Hansel and Gretel 3D at IMax. 
The movie is superb and I love IMax 3D effect. I used to hate watching 3D movies coz it makes my eyes very tiring after watching the movie, but IMax 3D is different. Unlike other 3D cinemas, IMax's way more real and eyes are not so tiring. Thumbs up for Hansel and Gretel!

I had a lot of fun spending time with these awesome people ^_^
Laugh like mad once I saw them hahaha. Too bad Jennifer can't join us and missed out the fun time.
Thanks so much for planning the great celebration, spending time with me, buying me 'Twinkle',
mille crepe, brunch and movie treat. Kamsahamida.

Oh ya, you guys won't be seeing Mona so frequently in my upcoming posts T_T
because she decided to ditch us and continues her degree at Sydney, leaving us alone in Malaysia *cry*
Wish her all the best in Sydney and never ever-everrrr forget us even though she will meet new friends :)

Mona, just wait us one more year, and we'll fly to australia and find you *wink*

-Stay Tuned-

With Love,

Lizzie L

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